Sick | FMLA |
Annual | Military |
Vacation | Leave of Absence - Licensed |
Bereavement | Leave of Absence (1 Year) - ESP |
No Pay Days | Worker Injuries |
- Time off is to be entered into Skyward and Aesop/Frontline (if a substitute is required) to reflect accurate time entry. Please be specific in the description fields.
- The distribution of leave benefits varies based on the length of the workday outlined in the contractual agreement (average number of hours an employee is expected to work each day). Any contracted employee working less than a full time equivalent (i.e. FTE) should review the “Recording Leave Days on Skyward” and “Leave Day Equivalent Form & Examples” information located on the Payroll Department website under Time-Off Information.
The information above is intended as a resource for your review. The HR Generalist is dedicated to assisting with FMLA and other leave questions. Please contact Rebecca Eastman at (801) 567-8249 or email her at with any questions or concerns.