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Administrator Salary & Benefits

Administrative Salary Schedule

2024-2025 Administrative Salary schedule

July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
245 Days - 8 Hours Per Day


  1. Per Utah Statute 53G-11-518, advancement on this schedule may be held back depending on the annual effectiveness rating.
  2. Doctorate Degree - $1,000
  3. Assignment Differential
    1. Title I - 5% of base salary
    2. Consultants who have served as a school principal - 5% of base salary
  4. Night Time Differential Stipend (in lieu of trade time)
    High School Administrator - 7.0% of base salary
    Middle School Administrator - 1.50% of base salary
    - Includes Kaurie Sue Hamilton, River's Edge, South Valley, Valley, JATC
    Elementary School Administrator - 1.0% of base salary
    Cabinet/ Staff Assistant Administrator - 2.0% of base salary
    All other Administrators - 1.0% of base salary
  5. Cell Phone Allocation (Effective 01/01/2013)
    All administrators - $100 Monthly Allowance

Notes (*Approved in cabinet 02/25/2015):

  1. This salary schedule is adopted only for the current school year. Any reference to future lane or step salary increases is advisory only and subject to further approval by the Board of Education based on availability of funds.
  2. *As exempt employees, administrators often work more than 40 hours a week throughout the year. The night time differential stipend compensates the administrator for hours worked outside normal contract hours. As a result, administrators may not trade extra work hours (e.g. nights and weekends), normally expected for the administrator's position, for regular contract time. However, also recognizing that some flexibility is needed in an administrator's work day, administrators may occasionally trade time for unusual, irregular circumstances, if pre-arranged with the administrator's supervisor. The night time differential stipend is taxable. This stipend is not considered for salary placement purposes if an administrator changes positions or levels.
  3. *All administrators are expected to have a personal cell phone available 24/7 in case of emergency District business. Vacation and other personal leave time should be respected whenever possible. Administrators are not allowed to have cell phones or equipment paid for or reimbursed using school/district funds.