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Enjoy the Adventure! Employee Support

Jordan School District realizes that starting a new job can be challenging adventure.  We want to provide as many opportunities as possible for mentoring and training so employees new to Jordan will feel supported and will be successful in their new roles. In education, you're not an independent contractor working within the same building as other teachers. We work together as a Professional Learning Community to achieve our purposes. Below are ways you can receive support at each stage of this new adventure:
New Teacher Orientation: Online training to learn about JSD's mission/vision and to receive instruction from district departments such as: Teaching and Learning, Payroll, Insurance, Human Resources, Special Education, etc.

School-Level Mentor: New educators will have an assigned mentor housed right in your school to receive needed support for the first 3 years of teaching.
District Instructional Specialists: JSD's Curriculum department has many specialists that can provide valuable support over the phone or on-site (e.g. Math, Science, Literacy, Social Studies, etc.)
Consulting Educators: You and/or your principal may request to have a master teacher (consulting educator) assigned to come out and work with you, providing coaching and modeling support to ensure success.

District Professional Development : Many courses are offered locally at no charge to our teachers. JSD teachers want to grow professionally to be equipped to provide the highest quality instruction to our students.
District Mentoring Specialists: These expert educators are available to ensure that new teachers to JSD are receiving the support they need to be successful. The District Mentoring website has many helpful resources and great ideas for new teachers.
Administrative Leadership: Administrators at your local school level have a vested interest in your success and will help provide necessary support and guidance so that you will be and feel successful.
Skyward Help Desk (Help Desk 801-567-8737): If you need help accessing Skyward Student, Skyward Employee Access, JPLS, Active Directory or Mastery Connect - just give the Help Desk a call.