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Frontline Tutorials

Step by Step Outline

Detailed tutorials can also be found here.

Licensed Contracted

  • Job Posting
    • Position Requisition submitted on Frontline.
      • Advertised for 5 contract days automatically.
      • Contact Shaina Nielsen/Melinda McAnally in HR to have the posting closed early or the date extended. The position must be closed before interviewing candidates.
    • Applicant Screening
      • Once a position is closed, review applications using Filters in Frontline. (Remember/document the filters you use.  HR must be able to recreate your search.)
    • Interviewing
      • Move top applicants to the “Interviewing” pipeline stage and schedule interviews. (Remember to include at least 2 transfers, if available)
      • Complete Interview Questionnaire in for each applicant you interview. You will be uploading these scores to your Recommendation to Hire form.
    • Reference Checks
      • Complete reference check forms in Frontline by opening applicants’ profile and clicking:
        • “Send a Form” if you are sending form via email for reference to complete.


        • “Fill out a Form” if you are doing a phone reference check.
    • Recommendation to Hire
      • Move your top candidate to the “Send Recommendation to Hire to HR” pipeline stage.
        • This stage will open up a list of forms. You will complete a “Recommendation to Hire – Licensed” form.
        • You must attach any files used in the interviewing process that you have not completed in Frontline to this form. (If needed)
      • Once you receive an approval email from HR, you may offer the position to the applicant.
    • Offer
      • If applicant accepts the job offer:
        • Principal or Admin Assistant will move applicant to the “Offer Accepted – Send Hire Form to HR” pipeline stage.
          • This stage will open up a list of forms. You will complete a “New Hire Form” or “Transfer/Assignment Change Form”. (Whichever is applicable)
        • Move other applicants to “Not Selected” pipeline stage to send regret email and notify remaining applicants the position has been filled.
    • Onboarding
      • HR will send applicant information about onboarding. You will receive an email when the employee has attended onboarding and is authorized to begin working.

ESP Contracted

  • Job Posting
    • Position Requisition submitted on Frontline.
      • Advertised for 5 days automatically.
      • Contact Brent Burge in HR to have closing date extended if needed.
    • Applicant Screening
      • Once position is closed, Brent will screen applicants and contact Principal to schedule interviews.
    • Interviewing
      • Complete Interview Questionnaire in Frontline (unless questions are not yet available) for each applicant you interview by opening applicants’ profile and clicking Interviews. Click “New Questionnaire” to create form.
    • Reference Checks
      • Complete reference check forms in Frontline by opening applicants’ profile and clicking:
        • “Send a Form” if you are sending form via email for reference to complete.


        • “Fill out a Form” if you are doing a phone reference check.
    • Recommendation to Hire
      • Move your top candidate to the “Send Recommendation to Hire to HR” pipeline stage.
        • This stage will open up a list of forms. You will complete a “Recommendation to Hire – ESP Contracted” form.
        • You must attach any files used in the interviewing process that you have not completed in Frontline to this form.
    • Offer
      • Once you receive an approval email from HR, you may offer the position to the applicant.
      • If applicant accepts the job offer:
        • Principal or Admin Assistant will move applicant to the “Offer Accepted – Send Hire Form to HR” pipeline stage.
          • This stage will open up a list of forms. You will complete a “New Hire Form” or “Transfer/Assignment Change Form”. (Whichever is applicable)
        • Move other applicants to “Not Selected” pipeline stage to send regret email and notify remaining applicants the position has been filled.
      • Onboarding
        • HR will send applicant information about onboarding. You will receive an email when the employee has attended onboarding and is authorized to begin working.

ESP Hourly/Miscellaneous

  • Job Posting
    • Position Requisition submitted on Frontline.
      • Advertised as ‘Open until Filled’ unless a close date is requested.
      • Contact Brent Burge in HR when you have filled the position.
    • Screening Applicants
    • Interviews
      • Complete Interview Questionnaire in Frontline (unless questions are not yet available) for each applicant you interview by opening applicants’ profile and clicking Interviews. Click “New Questionnaire” to create form.
    • Reference Checks
      • Complete reference check forms in Frontline by opening applicants’ profile and clicking:
        • “Send a Form” if you are sending form via email for reference to complete.


        • “Fill out a Form” if you are doing a phone reference check.
    • Recommendation to Hire
      • A recommendation to hire form is NOT required for hourly/misc positions. You may offer the position to the applicant and keep interview documents on file at your location.
    • Job Offer
      • If applicant accepts the job offer:
        • Principal or Admin Assistant will move applicant to the “Offer Accepted – Send Hire Form to HR” pipeline stage.
        • This stage will open up a list of forms. You will complete a “New Hire Form” or “Transfer/Assignment Change Form”. (Whichever is applicable)
      • Move other applicants to “Not Selected” pipeline stage to send regret email and notify remaining applicants the position has been filled.
    • Onboarding
      • HR will send applicant information about onboarding. You will receive an email when the employee has attended onboarding and is authorized to begin working.